Hey guys!
Had a long Christmas holiday with some revision. School started this week, and its gone so fast!
I also received my practice UKCAT book earlier, bought from amazon, really good! More on that later.
So January looks as if its going to be a busy month! With 4 exams later this week and 2 more the week after, I actually have no social life for now. Did some mocks before the holidays and I did really well in them, even though I'm partially scared for the real exams. Will I be able to replicate those results? We'll find out in March. *eeeek*
So 6 exams in total, this month. I start my volunteering at the hospital on the 17th, the UCL target medicine mentoring thing starts on the 18th and parents' evening this month! So great.
More on the UKCAT book, I was on about earlier. It seems to be like a really good book, just had sort of a flick through it. The UKCAT seems like a really hard test actually! I sort of understand why a lot of practice is needed for it.
If you're interested, (I'd advise you to buy it as early as possible to start practising) Click here.
Maybe later on, I'll do a post on the entrance exams for entry into medicine.
Anyway supposed to be revising for my first exam on Wednesday (Biology), so I'll post later on.
Good luck and happy revising!